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My story: who I am, why work

with me

As a transpersonal coach, my mission is to support your sensitive soul on your healing journey. You can read about my own healing story here and what qualifies me to work with you

Anker 1

Katarina: highly sensitive

My name is Katarina Miljkovic. I was born in Switzerland in 1983. Over several years, I had my own experiences with stress, anxiety, addiction, burnout, perfectionism, depression and toxic relationships. Which also led to many health problems. It was only much later in my life that I learned that I am highly sensitive and that sensitive people are very likely to face similar existential difficulties in the course of their lives. What a relief: suddenly my intense experiences began to make sense.

At the age of 28, I began a very long and often painful path of healing, the so-called dark night of the soul. The dark night of the soul is a phase of personal development in which a person experiences a difficult and significant transition to a deeper consciousness of life and their place in it. This expanded consciousness is accompanied by a painful shedding of previous conceptual foundations such as identity, relationship, career, habit or belief system that previously allowed life to have meaning. During this time, we often move from who we think we are to who we really are.

The dark night of the soul


My sensitivity is my greatest gift and through radical self-care I have found my strength and power again.

Path to healing

On my healing path, I was supported by various therapists, healers, trauma experts, shamans and spiritual teachers and was able to learn from them. My very sensitive mare Ari, who has been with me nine  years, has also been a great teacher. And last but not least, it is our relationships with other human beings and our environment that make us who we are.


Today I know that my needs are completely normal - they are just a little different from those of other people. My high sensitivity is my greatest gift and through radical self-care I have found my strength again. A few years ago, I moved from the city to a small village and fulfilled my dream. Together with my horses, I live in the middle of nature, far away from hustle and bustle and city-life stress.


In addition to the farm and the horses, I grow my own fruit and vegetables and work part-time as an innovation developer for an insurance company. I am very close to nature and spend a lot of time in the woods, where I can also recharge my batteries and find peace. And my daily meditation practice also calms my nervous system.


As a transpersonal coach, my mission is to support your sensitive soul on your healing journey.

In my coaching sessions, my mission is to support your sensitive soul on your healing journey. Into a life with less stress and overwhelm, but more joy and ease. I support you in a safe and compassionate space and provide you with tools and resources to help you reconnect with your authentic self.

Katarina: Coach for highly sensitive women

  • Certified Solution-Focused Coach (Istituto Marco Ronzani)

  • Certified coach for highly sensitive people (The Highly Sensitive Human Academy, Community Coach including monthly supervision)

  • Certified mediator (Zieldialog)

  • Certified transpersonal coach (Transpersonal Academy)

  • Holistic consciousness and trauma work (Gila Ring)

  • Meditation (Kelsang Khandro, Kadampa Buddhism)

  • Trust Technique (James French)

  • Horse behavior therapist (

  • Business diploma (20 years of professional experience in business (innovation, employer branding, human resources)

Training and Education



Coaching for highly sensitive women: online, in person, with or without horses

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